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Developing a WordPress Theme, especially for a client or public release, can be difficult when you use the default installation of WordPress. It only gives you one Post with a comment, and one Page to start with. Not much.
This used to be a problem for me when I start coding a new Theme. As I go, I had to create Posts and Pages, populate the comments, move publish dates around, just to have content fill up the site so I can inspect then code and style the design. I’m sure you know what I mean. So I then decided to take some time and create my own standard content that I could import and reuse, saving much more time in the future and share something with the WordPress community.
I managed to put together into an XML file, a seemingly full content site that you can import right into a new installation of WordPress. You can use it to develop your Theme or have it in a demo site to showcase your Theme’s visual styles. These are the descriptions of what you’ll get.
Posts and Pages
- 9 Pages including 5 Sub Pages (the “About” page renamed to avoid doubles)
- 14 Posts to ensure pagination
- Short and long Post titles
- Posts in single and multiple categories
- Posts with and without tags
- Password protected Post
HTML elements
- Heading 1 to 6
- Strong, emphasized, and striked through words
- Hyperlinks
- Images with captions (floated and inline), emoticons
- Ordered and unordered lists two levels deep
- Blockquotes
- Code and preformatted text
- Superscripts and subscripts
- Tables and definition lists
- Big and small fonts
- Threaded comments for WordPress 2.7
- Comments from admin
- Pingback and trackback samples
- Post with comments closed (with and without comments prior to closing)
- Post with ping/trackbacks closed
- Post with both comments and ping/trackback closed
Categories and tags
- 11 categories, including 2 child categories to fill the list
- Category descriptions
- 29 tags with various post counts
- 14 months of archives to fill the list
How to use
- Download and extract the file to your computer
- Log into your Dashboard and go to Tools -> Import (or Manage -> Import for WordPress 2.6 and lower).
- Select WordPress at the bottom of the list
- Browse and select the XML file then hit the Upload button
- Paragraphs assigned with special classes: warning, update, viewdemo, and download
- Added Posts and Pages
Click to see the demo site.
oohh…. itu *ga ngerti* 😀
nice post…
iya nih.. ni maksudnya apaan ya? Sampel konten untuk nyobain themenya wordpress ya? 😀
maksudnyo … kalu kamu nak pake theme yg disediakan di situs ini, kontennyo lebih "gemuk" dibanding theme standar yg hanya punya satu posting dan satu halaman … "hello word" dan "about"
thx for sharing …
hmm..klo dulu yang terkenal lorem ipsum. sekarang pake ini lebih lengkap untuk wordpress
wah, sangat membantu ini. ijin donlot pak.
keren … tapi mana screenshot nya boss ?
Gak pake screenshot. Kalo mau liat sample contentnya “in action”, bisa langsung liat di demo site.
wow keren… numpang donlot yah…
dita_disini shares Mirip siapakah aku?? part. 2
lembutt banget theme ini. Kerenn.. design2 di portfolio juga bagus2.
well done pak 😀
AdityaWirawan shares Sepakbola Indonesia Tidak Akan Pernah Maju
Thx’s for sharing. It’s theming time 😀
Thanks for this! Just downloaded it and imported onto my dev blog. Very useful!
John Kolbert shares New WP Plugin: Absolute Privacy
Thanks. ^_^
Thank you 🙂
Will be using in my localhost
Ehab shares My reasons for doing things at night
Thanks for sharing. This is going to be really useful as I delve into authoring my own themes and styles.
I did run into one issue. I do all of my development using MAMP on a Mac. MAMP runs on port 8888 by default. Since I do more than just WordPress, I also installed it in a subdirectory so I had quite a bit of fix-up to do in the XML before I imported it.
I still don’t have it working quite right, but I’m sure a few more tweaks will do the trick.
Thanks again!
Brenda shares A Leonberger Shares My Life
Thank you so much for sharing your sample Wordpress content. Works like a charm.
Nyobain ahhhh…. Keknya muantep nih..
buJaNG shares Cara Cepat Blog Terindeks Oleh Search Engine
Mas, saya kepingin banget bisa bikin wordpress theme. Saya mau tanya bukan masalah teknisnya. cuma.. abis bikin itu.. trus dikemanain ya? Bisa dijual ngga? Ke mana? Saya mesti gabung di group apa ya? Mohon pencerahannya ya, mas Andi…
I have a problem when change a setting in my WP admin page to enable comment threading. This didn’t work. So now I use plugin to have that feature. Was that caused by my theme?
I’ll be glad to hear your answer
Mardianto shares Stand Opera di Festival Komputer Indonesia
If you have used your Theme since before the 2.7 release, most likely yes, it is not yet configured to display threaded comments. Check out the Codex to learn how to edit your Theme.
thanks boss…
ngebantu banget
more complete, it’s perfect! thanks for sharing.
gak ngerti juga…. aku…
Madastro above said this is perfect. I tried a few different XML content packs and … I would agree this is the best sample content for Wordpress. Thanks Andi!
Thanks to all. I’m glad it can be useful. Still hoping to find the time to update it to WP 3.
Gak nyangka,, nyari post ini dengan kata kunci english..
Malah yang ketemu post orang indonesia..
Mantab… Master..
maju terus…
Ijin donglot y
Thank you so much for this. Am using it right away. Really looking for someone who has gallery content ready as well. any ideas?